Child and doctor

Our offer

We offer an extensive introduction package for all our new recruits. Our aim is to make your transition to your new life and job in Dalarna as smooth as possible!

This is included in our offer:

Swedish course
We offer all our new recruits a 22 week long Swedish course. The course is full-time Monday to Friday and is held by our dedicated teachers in Falun. The course prepares you for the Swedish level C1 test which is the required level of Swedish you will need in order to apply for your Swedish license to practice. During the course you will receive an educational salary. Curious about the course? Listen to our language teacher Heléne speak about the course further down on the page!

Support for partners/spouses
We cooperate with several organisations in Dalarna that can help your accompanying partner/spouse to find work opportunities in Dalarna. Two of these organisations are Samarkand and Rekryteringslots. They can help your partner/spouse with their CV, job applications and with valuable contacts to companies in the region.

When we have vacant spaces on the Swedish course we can also offer partners/spouses to take part in the course. For partners/spouses the Swedish course is unpaid.

Support with moving costs
In order to support your move to Dalarna we offer you a support package for moving costs. We reimburse moving costs at a maximum amount of 3 000 EUR. Further terms and conditions apply.

Help with finding accommodation
We will assist you in finding accommodation for your first 6 months here. We cooperate with several apartment letting agencies all over Dalarna and also have two studio in our own regim that we can offer to candidates.

Region Dalarna offers you the possibility of great work-life-balance. As an employee with Region Dalarna you are entitled to a minimum of 25 days of paid vacation every year. Of course you are also entitled to paid parental leave and sick leave.

Listen to our language teacher Heléne speak about our Swedish course:

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